
Monday 18 February 2013

Mmmm Ice Cream

Healthy chocolate ice cream recipe.

Healthy fats and protein and vitamin C and such...  Probably won't kill you even.


Inspired by this avocado lemon pistachio pudding, I made a chocolate ice cream using similar ingredients.  Mmmm pistachios....

  • 1 decent size avocado
  • 2T cocoa
  • 3T coconut milk, either light or full fat
  • 2T honey
  • 1/2t vanilla paste
  • pinch salt
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • juice of one lemon
  • zest of 1 orange
  • juice of 1/2 orange
  • handful of toasted chopped pistachios for serving
Blend everything except for pistachios with a stick blender/blender/food processor.  Divide among 2 or 3 ramekins and shove in the freezer for a 2-4 hours.  Sprinkle with pistachios and stuff your face.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Lady Garden

The Listener published one of my photos

Virginia Kennard asked me to photograph her show The Lady Garden a while back, and the piece was featured in The Listener's Take Five along with one of my photos.  The Lady Garden is showing again today as part of the Wellington Fringe Festival.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Different Look

Arh, pass me some eye bleach please.

With a shaking hand and a twitching left eye I added colour to the overall blog design.  What's happening?!  What's all this insidious colour creep?  And what the heck is all that Arial in Chrome?  I wish I knew the latter, but the internet won't tell me.  We'll see if I can live with all this colour nonsense.

I'm in the process of rehauling the blog as it is need of not so much of a facelift but a bionic makeover to optimise the increasing and evolving content.

Colour, you scare me.